Updated: 2025-01-13 Mon 20:32

First Iron Warriors Squad

This is my first ever fully painted and based squad of Iron Warrior Chaos Space Marines. I painted this squad around 2021.

Most of the bits I used are from the "new" Chaos Space Marine kit. At that time I did not yet have any MKIII armor, but wanted to have some cleaner helmets than the very ornament CSM helmets. So in between, I added some parts from the Primaris Space Marine and the Tactical Marine kits. I also did some weird boltgun cutting so that the Primaris Boltgun would look appropriate on the slightly smaller CSM bodies.

horned Front horned Side horned Back
Beaky side0 Beaky front Beaky side1

Regarding the paint job, the main metal color for the iron was painted by first basecoating black and then covering it with Leadbelcher or any similar darker silver. For the gold Retributor Armour was used. All metallics were washed with Agrax Earthshade. The silver was then highlighted with Stormhost Silver and the gold again with Retributor Armour.

Angry front Angry side Angry back
Belt fed front Belt fed side Belt fed back

All chain mail was washed with Nuln Oil instead of Agrax Earthshade to give it a different look from the rest of the armor. The black I used was Abbadon black which was then roughed up with Leadbelcher and a sponge. For the red eye lenses and the cloth, I used Khorne Red as a base and then highlighted up with Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlete and Wild Rider Red.

Plasma front Plasma side Plasma back
Skull front Skull side Skull back

All bone parts were just painted white and washed with Agrax Earthshade. The hazard stripes are simply painted with black and Averland Sunset as the yellow. For the basing I followed this Mars/Red Planet base tutorial.

Icon front Icon side Icon back
IF front IF side IF back

The last two are the squad leader and the veteran. When the squad splits up, the veteran takes control of the remaining squad.

Champion side0 Champion front Champion side1
Veteran front Veteran side Veteran back


Looking back I see quite a lot I would do different today. While I am still mostly fine with the tone of the armor I would try to get a much dirtier wash and then highlight it up much more. One thing I am not satisfied with are all the details, like the horns, skulls and leathery parts which definetely lack in contrast and depth. I am quite happy with the hazard stripes through as painting them curved on shoulder or knee pads was quite painful and triggered me cause it didn't look quite right most of the time. The eye lenses also still hold to my current painting level, but I would go up one tone brighter on the red. The plasma effect looks fine too, but making it a bit brighter with more white wouldn't hurt. Since I am currently painting a Blood Angels tactical squad I am quite impressed to see all those line infantry freehands. I hope I can still replicate that. Also those black bolters. I still am struggling with making them look good easily.

Camera Settings

For all pictures I used my Nikon D3100 with a Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 lens. I shot at 50 mm with f/4,0, 1/60 and ISO 200. Regarding the lighting of the pictures, I used two desk lamps and black cardboard as the background. Next time I will probably go up a bit in aperture to make the depth of field effect less shallow.

See also


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